Wifi wireless network adapter for a laptop and drivers for it Install a wifi driver on a Windows 7 laptop

Wifi wireless network adapter for a laptop and drivers for it Install a wifi driver on a Windows 7 laptop

The official driver for the ASUS 802.11n wireless Wi-Fi adapter, which you will need to detect the device by the Windows operating system, as well as for its operation. This driver has...


Updating win7 to windows 10

Updating win7 to windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system was released several years ago, but there are still users who do not take it seriously enough. For this reason, a logical question may arise:...


How to change the hosts file What is the hosts file windows 7

How to change the hosts file What is the hosts file windows 7

The hosts file is a file that is responsible for the proper operation of your web browsers. It matches IP addresses to domain names. It is his work that determines which sites will open and how they will open. That's why...


Incorrect display of fonts

Incorrect display of fonts

Sometimes, due to one reason or another, something happens to Windows OS users that leads to encoding failures. Some newly installed program, a virus, manipulations in the registry, you never know......


Where to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer

Where to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer

Windows saves all downloaded files in the download folder, which many users access through the Start menu or a shortcut on the Desktop. If the shortcut disappears, then you can open Explorer and...


The most common blue screen of death error codes Blue Death windows 7

The most common blue screen of death error codes Blue Death windows 7

Today we will tell you what the Windows 7 blue screen of death is and what to do when it appears. We often encounter this phenomenon when the computer suddenly decides to randomly reboot. Blue screen...


How to customize page thumbnails

How to customize page thumbnails

One of the common problems of Windows 10 users is that thumbnails of images (photos and pictures), as well as videos in Explorer folders are not shown, or black squares are shown instead...


How to distribute the Internet from a computer via Wi-Fi?

How to distribute the Internet from a computer via Wi-Fi?

There is often a situation when the Internet is connected to one computer or laptop, and there is a need to distribute this Internet to other devices. Smartphone, tablet, or other computer. If you...


Setting up a router: detailed instructions for dummies

Setting up a router: detailed instructions for dummies

Setting up a router is not an easy procedure, but we are ready to help you understand all its intricacies. Just carefully read the instructions below, and then in just a few minutes you can easily...


Do you know how a computer power supply works?

Do you know how a computer power supply works?

A good laboratory power supply is quite expensive and not all radio amateurs can afford it. Nevertheless, at home you can assemble a power supply with good characteristics,...


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