Updating win7 to windows 10

Updating win7 to windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system was released several years ago, but there are still users who do not take it seriously enough. For this reason, a logical question may arise:...


Unidentified network without Internet access - solution!

Unidentified network without Internet access - solution!

Messages like “Unidentified network” or “Network without Internet access” are familiar to many users of the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. These operating systems have the option...


Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should you do in this case? Restoring icons on the Windows 10 desktop

Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should you do in this case? Restoring icons on the Windows 10 desktop

Recently, users have been faced with the problem of shortcuts disappearing from their desktop. If you came to our site, it means your desktop icons have disappeared and you don’t know why they are not...


Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should I do in this case? Images of Windows 10 shortcuts have disappeared

Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should I do in this case? Images of Windows 10 shortcuts have disappeared

The Windows 10 operating system has an unresolved problem that can affect any user - icons disappearing from the “Desktop” or icons from the “Taskbar”. This often happens when...


Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should I do in this case?

Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should I do in this case?

If a system error occurs, as a result of which the desktop disappears in Windows 10, it is not necessary to immediately contact professionals. Any user can easily cope with this problem. Reasons...


Wallpapers for iPhone, iPad, OS X

Wallpapers for iPhone, iPad, OS X

The new smartphone has also released dynamic wallpapers in an updated version - iPhone X owners can already decorate the desktops of their newly purchased gadgets with them. The new Apple smartphone is in a hurry to offer 6...


How to roll back or remove a problematic Windows update Windows 10 return to the previous build

How to roll back or remove a problematic Windows update Windows 10 return to the previous build

Greetings! In this article, I will clearly tell you how to perform a rollback on your Windows 10 operating system. Method one. If you recently switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10, then you can return...


Deploying a local server on Windows

Deploying a local server on Windows

Today we will talk about how to install and configure a local server on your computer?! This is necessary so that you can develop and debug your scripts in PHP, since PHP is...


Yandex transport for Windows Phone description and setup

Yandex transport for Windows Phone description and setup

About the functionality of the Yandex Transport application for Windows Phone Yandex developers have made many functional and convenient utilities for residents of big cities. One of them is the program...


Configuring folder settings and sharing options

Configuring folder settings and sharing options

Hi all! Today we’ll look at Windows 10, what they are and what they are for, how to view and create them, this knowledge will greatly help you in troubleshooting problems such as treating your computer...


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