Black screen when loading Windows: what to do if the computer does not turn on

Black screen when loading Windows: what to do if the computer does not turn on

It is rare to see a black screen when loading Windows 10, but it does happen. Various variations are possible: with or without a cursor. It doesn’t matter when the problem appeared: after the update, after...


Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should you do in this case? Restoring icons on the Windows 10 desktop

Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should you do in this case? Restoring icons on the Windows 10 desktop

Recently, users have been faced with the problem of shortcuts disappearing from their desktop. If you came to our site, it means your desktop icons have disappeared and you don’t know why they are not...


Updating win7 to windows 10

Updating win7 to windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system was released several years ago, but there are still users who do not take it seriously enough. For this reason, a logical question may arise:...


How to roll back or remove a problematic Windows update Windows 10 return to the previous build

How to roll back or remove a problematic Windows update Windows 10 return to the previous build

Greetings! In this article, I will clearly tell you how to perform a rollback on your Windows 10 operating system. Method one. If you recently switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10, then you can return...


Configuring folder settings and sharing options

Configuring folder settings and sharing options

Hi all! Today we’ll look at Windows 10, what they are and what they are for, how to view and create them, this knowledge will greatly help you in troubleshooting problems such as treating your computer...


How to open win 10 console

How to open win 10 console

5 minutes to read. Views 540 Published 01/03/2017 In today's article, we will look at how to open the command line in Windows 10. In all versions of Windows, the developers have provided...


Three ways to remove Microsoft Edge and disable system access to the program

Three ways to remove Microsoft Edge and disable system access to the program

By default, all editions of Windows 10 include the Edge browser. You can use it, customize it, or remove it from your computer. What's new in Microsoft Edge In all previous versions of Windows, by default...


Using Group Policy Editing

Using Group Policy Editing

When installing Windows 10, the system asks you to create and configure a user account, or rather, a local administrator. However, during the installation process of the system in stealth mode, automatically...


Windows 10 transparency not working

Windows 10 transparency not working

By default, the taskbar in Windows 10 has a slight degree of transparency, so that the edges of application windows are dimly visible through it, but you can make it completely transparent by making...


If installing Windows on this disk is not possible Problems installing Windows 10

If installing Windows on this disk is not possible Problems installing Windows 10

Often, novice users, to save time and money, do. The user who is doing the installation for the first time may encounter problems and may ask the question why not...


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