Windows 10 will return to 8.1. How to restore windows to an earlier state

Windows 10 combines the best practices of previous releases of Microsoft operating systems. As a rule, it can be installed on a computer from media, but if it already has one of the latest versions of the software, the user is prompted to update it. The software will not only allow you to save all the information and parameters, but also, if desired, perform the reverse procedure if for some reason the old system suited you better.

Initially, no one really expected that some of the users would be interested in the question of how to roll back Windows 10 to Windows 7 / 8.1 / 8, and there are quite clear prerequisites for this. For example, someone notices a decrease in performance, some users do not like the interface style. Even after a number of patches, the OS has not become perfect, and one can often observe obvious problems in it: a whole topic could be devoted to questions about brightness settings on laptops, crashes and errors in applications. Of course, most problems occur rarely and do not create any special problems, but in combination with other factors, this may force the PC owner to change his mind.

You can roll back Windows within a few days, undoing all the latest updates and returning to your usual “environment”. There is more than one method that you can use, but, of course, you should start with the most optimal actions.

How to roll back Windows 10 using the built-in option?

Immediately after updating the OS, all old system files will also be saved. Go to the hard drive directory - there you will see Windows.old - this folder contains data so that the Windows system can be returned to its original state. Users who are satisfied with everything can, in principle, remove components and also not be afraid to clean CCleaner, because the application frees up space from unnecessary stored files. The nuance is that the function is active for a month from the date of the update, but then it will be unavailable: then it will not be possible to roll back Windows using the method described in this paragraph.

  • To go to the menu from which you can start the process, press the combination “Windows + I”. An interactive settings screen will appear. In it we are interested in “Update and Security”, and then we need to click on the “Recovery” function, which can be found in the navigation on the left. You will see a header in which the OS version that was installed before the update will be written. Click on the “Start” button.
  • A window will immediately open in which you will need to confirm your desire to return to the older edition. Before you roll back the software, doing a kind of Windows 8 or 7 restore, carefully read the instructions and recommendations on the screen. For example, there will be an important note that it is unacceptable to turn off the system during the process - this can lead to an irreversible failure, due to which you will have to reinstall everything again, losing all existing data.

It is possible that a couple of programs will require reinstallation or configuration changes after a rollback. In general, the recovery procedure is quite simple and will not take a long period of time.

Reinstalling Windows

You can choose a slightly different method - a complete, clean installation of the previous version of the OS. Yes, it can no longer be called a rollback, but if it is no longer possible to use the files in the Windows.old folder (due to the passage of time, or after accidental erasure), then backing up user personal data will help you. This mandatory step will allow you to quickly return your computer and laptop to their usual appearance.

  • Thus, if you have a previous version of Windows on removable media: an optical disk, a USB drive, a portable hard drive, connect the device to the PC. If this method is not possible, Software Recovery for Windows 7 or Installation Media for Windows 8.1 and 8 is available to achieve the result.
  • After this, we reboot the OS and wait for a screen to appear with a message that you can now press the hotkey (for example, F12) and go to the settings to select a boot device. Naturally, different motherboards have their own function button - for laptops it is often F1 or F2, and regular computers can have F8, F11, etc.
  • In the menu you can view the full registry of boot devices and select one of them. Use the keyboard buttons (arrow and Enter) to prioritize the media you just inserted, then press Enter. The version you select, say Windows 7, will launch the installation wizard, in which you will need to confirm your choice of installing the OS again and follow further instructions. Use the license key from the box in which you purchased the software, or by looking at it on the sticker - in the case when you purchased a PC where the system was already installed. It's quite simple!

How to roll back a Windows 10 system via a disk image?

The method is possible when the user has prepared in advance, namely, created a disk image containing all the data before Windows was updated to the latest version. An image is, as a rule, a complete copy of all information, down to personal data and other minor files. Another good option is how to roll back the system without creating problems for yourself. The disk image itself is created by you in Windows 7 or 8.1 through the System Image application. Then, up to a certain point, it can be stored on a removable storage medium.

  • To restore the previous state in this way, press the combination “Windows + I”, then the “Update and Security” menu.
  • Select the “Recovery” section, and then click on the “Restart now” function.
  • We follow the instructions that will help us restore the OS from a previously created disk image, which was, of course, recorded before the Windows 10 update took place.


Of course, Microsoft expects that users will like the new release and will enjoy using it. However, the corporation listens to what is happening, tries to fix the “jambs”, and also gives users the opportunity to return to an older version, despite the fact that the OS was voluntarily updated.

We remind you that the Windows restore point provided by the developers (the files for this option are stored in Windows.old) is available to everyone for 30 days! So don’t miss this moment, because this method is the fastest, most optimal and convenient.

In general, you have learned all the information on how to restore Windows to a previous version. Share this page with your friends Hide-Info, and with us your thoughts about it. Feel free to rate! Thank you!

After a failed plan to transfer 1 billion users from lower versions to Windows 10 (despite aggressive promotion, three times fewer switched), Microsoft is launching a new offensive on all fronts.

At the beginning of August, a large-scale Windows 10 Anniversary update was released, which adds a number of new features and interface changes, and also includes support for HoloLens and new Cortana features.

But what if you were tempted and installed Ten for free, but you categorically did not like it, it is unstable, or you simply decided not to inform Microsoft about everything?

Especially for you, we will tell you how to remove Windows 10 and return to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

How to downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8.1?

Without reinstalling, you can roll back the “top ten” to the previous version only if you installed it as an upgrade to an existing system.

To roll back Windows 10, open the Start menu - Settings - Update and Security - Recovery.

Open “Start”, find “Options"

Select “Update and Security”

Find the item “Recovery”

In place of the red rectangle there should be an option “Return to Windows 7” or “Return to Windows 8.1”.
In our case it is not there, because more than a month has passed since the update

In the window that opens, select “Return to Windows 7” or “Return to
Windows 8.1" - depending on which version of the operating system was installed previously. Then click the "Start" button.

In this case, the system will require an explanation as to why Windows 10 did not suit you. Tell Microsoft what you think about it (joke!)

Then simply follow the installer's instructions; After restarting, the computer will return to the previous version of Windows.

Why can't I find the "Back to Windows 7" button?

This can happen for two reasons:

  • More than a month has passed since the update. After this period, the system deletes the files of the previous version of Windows.
  • You erased the files of the previous version using the Disk Cleanup utility, or manually deleted the “C:\Windows.old” folder

I deleted it, is there anything I can do?

You can still get rid of Windows 10, but you will have to reinstall Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 from scratch. Download installation disk images of the desired operating system from the Microsoft website (Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 image).

Please note that you will need a license key for this. In the case of Windows 7, look for a sticker confirming the authenticity of your copy of the operating system. For laptops, such a sticker may be on the bottom panel, under the battery, or even on the power supply.

With Windows 8 or 8.1 it's even easier. The key may not be needed at all - it is often sewn into the hardware, and during installation the system will find it itself.

Before installing the operating system, do not forget to do .

In what cases is it worth rolling back Windows 10?

“Ten” may simply not be to your liking, and this may be enough reason to return to the previous version.

However, switching to a new operating system always carries with it some risk. There are millions of unpredictable conflicts between programs, devices, and Windows 10 that can cause your computer to become unstable.

It's good that antivirus solutions are compatible with Windows 10 and other modern operating systems :)

After a failed plan to transfer 1 billion users from lower versions to Windows 10 (despite aggressive promotion, three times fewer switched), Microsoft is launching a new offensive on all fronts.

At the beginning of August, a large-scale Windows 10 Anniversary update was released, which adds a number of new features and interface changes, and also includes support for HoloLens and new Cortana features.

But what if you were tempted and installed Ten for free, but you categorically did not like it, it is unstable, or you simply decided not to inform Microsoft about everything?

Especially for you, we will tell you how to remove Windows 10 and return to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

How to downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8.1?

Without reinstalling, you can roll back the “top ten” to the previous version only if you installed it as an upgrade to an existing system.

To roll back Windows 10, open the Start menu - Settings - Update and Security - Recovery.

Open “Start”, find “Options"

Select “Update and Security”

Find the item “Recovery”

In place of the red rectangle there should be an option “Return to Windows 7” or “Return to Windows 8.1”.
In our case it is not there, because more than a month has passed since the update

In the window that opens, select “Return to Windows 7” or “Return to
Windows 8.1" - depending on which version of the operating system was installed previously. Then click the "Start" button.

In this case, the system will require an explanation as to why Windows 10 did not suit you. Tell Microsoft what you think about it (joke!)

Then simply follow the installer's instructions; After restarting, the computer will return to the previous version of Windows.

Why can't I find the "Back to Windows 7" button?

This can happen for two reasons:

  • More than a month has passed since the update. After this period, the system deletes the files of the previous version of Windows.
  • You erased the files of the previous version using the Disk Cleanup utility, or manually deleted the “C:\Windows.old” folder

I deleted it, is there anything I can do?

You can still get rid of Windows 10, but you will have to reinstall Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 from scratch. Download installation disk images of the desired operating system from the Microsoft website (Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 image).

Please note that you will need a license key for this. In the case of Windows 7, look for a sticker confirming the authenticity of your copy of the operating system. For laptops, such a sticker may be on the bottom panel, under the battery, or even on the power supply.

With Windows 8 or 8.1 it's even easier. The key may not be needed at all - it is often sewn into the hardware, and during installation the system will find it itself.

Before installing the operating system, do not forget to do .

In what cases is it worth rolling back Windows 10?

“Ten” may simply not be to your liking, and this may be enough reason to return to the previous version.

However, switching to a new operating system always carries with it some risk. There are millions of unpredictable conflicts between programs, devices, and Windows 10 that can cause your computer to become unstable.

It's good that antivirus solutions are compatible with Windows 10 and other modern operating systems :)

After updating Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10, the user is given 30 days to return to the old version with one click if he is not satisfied with the new one. After 30 days, this feature will disappear - but there is a way to significantly extend this trial period. How to do it?

You can return to the previous version after upgrading to Windows 10 within 30 days. Microsoft provides the user with enough time to get acquainted with the “ten”. During these 30 days, you can go to system settings at any time and use the function to return to Windows 7 or 8.1 from 10.

But it turns out that these 30 days are not always enough for the user - at the beginning, as it may seem, everything works well, but later we are convinced that the old OS suits us better and would like to return to the previous 7 or 8.1. But more than 30 days have passed and the rollback function is no longer available, since Windows 10 erased our backup files of the previous version. Therefore, in order to insure yourself before the expiration of 30 days, you need to save a copy of the previous version and significantly extend the testing period of Windows 10 in order to be able to roll back to 7 or 8.1.

Save or rename the backup directory

Extending the 30-day period is only possible if the rollback function to the old version is still available. To check this, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. If the “Return to Windows 7/8.1” option is still available, then you can make it accessible even after 30 days.

To do this, we’ll take one simple step - we’ll hide the reserved files of our Windows 7 or 8.1 from Windows 10 so that the “ten” won’t be able to find them and delete them after 30 days. Thanks to this, the backup copy of the previous system will not be deleted and you can restore from it when you yourself want to roll back to the previous 7/8.1.

Open Explorer and go to drive C. The backup directory is hidden - we need to show it. To do this, in Explorer, go to the “File > Folder and Search Options” tab.

Then go to the View tab and find the Hide protected system files (recommended) option. This option is set by default, so files are not displayed. Uncheck the box and click OK.

After these steps, system files will be shown. On drive C: you will find the following three directories:

  • $Windows.~BT
  • $Windows.~WS
  • Windows.old

The easiest way to prevent the system from detecting them and therefore being able to delete them is to rename each of these folders. For example, add the prefix “Backup-” to each one. To do this, right-click on each folder and select Rename. Add the prefix “Backup-” to each one. The folders should look like this:

  • Backup-$Windows.~BT
  • Backup-$Windows.~WS
  • Backup-Windows.old

The function to roll back to Windows 7/8.1 will no longer be available in Windows 10 settings because the system does not see the backed up files. Thanks to this step, it will not be deleted after 30 days. In the next step, you'll see what you need to do to restore from this copy after the 30-day period has expired.

How to roll back to the old version after 30 days

To use the reserved copy after 30 days, you need to return the above folders to their previous name (that is, remove the added word “Backup-”). Again, through Explorer, go to drive C: and find 3 folders:

Right-click on each and select Rename. Remove the added “Backup-” prefix from each one.

You can now go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. Since the system detects the backup copy, the option “Return to Windows 7/8.1” will be active again and therefore you will be able to use it even after 30 days.


Due to the fact that the names of the above folders were changed, the OS was unable to detect them and delete them after 30 days. This means that we can copy (rename) the reserved files to the desired location at any time and thereby activate the rollback option to the previous version.

There are several ways to return Windows 7 to your computer if the upgrade to Windows 10 does not suit you. Choose the method that is most convenient for you, and follow the recommendations for restoring the old version of the system.

Restoring the system to a previous version

In fact, such a restoration is quite possible at any time of use of Windows 10. You can either cancel the update or install the old system again. It all depends on how long you have been using the new build.

Important! If the new interface does not suit you immediately, until a calendar month has passed, then it will be enough to perform a normal system recovery after an unsuccessful attempt to use Windows 10. This uses the tools of the system itself.

In all other cases, you will have to act more radically. Let's look at all the options in more detail.

Roll back Windows 10 to an earlier state

Let's say you decide to upgrade from Windows 7 to a newer version of Windows 10. If a month has not passed since you installed your update to the new version, you can easily remove the update and return to using the previous version. This became possible thanks to the creation of the “Windows.old” folder on the computer’s hard drive.

This folder stores all information about your previous version. The “Windows.old” folder is stored on your device’s hard drive for exactly one month. After this period, it is permanently deleted, and it will no longer be possible to return the old system using a rollback method. Why is this done? The fact is that this folder takes up too much disk space. If you update regularly to each new version of Windows 10, the system will automatically create backup copies, saving them each time in this folder.

The result of such saves will be a banal lack of free space on the computer, because each such copy takes up more than 10 GB of free space.

Let's look at illustrated examples of how to roll back Windows to the old version:

Restoring Windows 7 from an image

This method will allow you to return a working Windows 7 system from a pre-recorded image. You need to create a disk image before you decide to install the Windows 10 update. After installing the updates, the disk image will no longer help you. If you have a disk image with Windows 7 on your hard drive or removable media, you can return the modified version to its previous state at any time. The built-in tools of the Windows 7 system will be used for work:

1. Open the Control Panel, where you should select the section called “System and Security”.

2. There we are interested in the “Archiving and Restore” item. Let's go down this path.

3. In addition to the functions of system recovery and data archiving, Windows 7 provides us with the ability to create a disk image. To do this, you need to click on the line called “Create a system image” located on the left side of the open window.

4. After this, the system utility will prompt you to select a location to save the image. You will be offered a choice of saving in the following locations:

  • On your computer's hard drive.
  • On some removable media.
  • Online.

5. You must select your preferred save location.

6. After this, the program will prompt you to select the disks that need to be archived to create an image. If you need to create images of several disks, check boxes next to the corresponding partitions.

7. After confirming the archiving parameters, the image creation process begins. Upon completion, a corresponding message will appear. This image can be written to a disk or flash drive.

By creating a disk image with the system installed on it just once, you can restore Windows 7 to functionality an unlimited number of times.

Reinstalling the system

If a calendar month has already passed since your update, and you have just now decided to return to the previous version of Windows, a radical solution would be to completely reinstall the operating system. Even though it will take some time, you will get a completely new system, free of errors, unnecessary programs, and possibly viruses. Therefore, this method of returning to the previous version cannot be ignored either.